This seems to work favourably at scale, though:

Converted 5 files in 64.4 ms (12.9 per eps)
Converted 15 files in 102 ms (6.8 per eps)
Converted 50 files in 206 ms (4.13 per eps)
Converted 100 files in 366 ms (3.66 per eps)
Converted 200 files in 616 ms (3.08 per eps)
Converted 400 files in 1.56e+03 ms (3.9 per eps)
Converted 800 files in 3.01e+03 ms (3.76 per eps)

So if someone could give me a clue of why only half the inputs show up, I'd
be in a good place here


On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 8:56 AM Luca Fascione <> wrote:

> Hi,
> does anyone know why this command
> >gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS#/prepress -o /tmp/lukes/test.pdf
> -dNOSAFER -dEPSCrop -dEmbedAllFonts=true
> $lilypond-build/input/regression/out-test/{whole-note-tremolo-accidentals.eps,warn-expected-warning-missing-1.eps,woodwind-diagrams-ring-keys.eps,volta-spec-ossia-1.eps,typography-demo-1.eps,tuplet-number-alignment-1.eps,trill-spanner-grace-1.eps}
> -c quit
> produces a pdf with every other EPS file in it?
> I tried using an "@" file, with the same result, I only get pages for the
> odd files
> I tried -o /tmp/lukes/test-$d.pdf and I also got 4 files
> What's up with this sorcery?
> L
> --
> Luca Fascione

Luca Fascione

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