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I am new user of lilypond. I am a composer, a young composer, and I hope that I
will be able to write my music with lilypond. But modern music is quite
demanding and so much more difficult to typeset then ancient music.

        Is there any other composers of classical contemporary music
        on this list?

I hope that lilypond developpers are also willing to make it a modern typesetter
alternative to commercial software (which are not good enough anyway). It would
be so nice!

So, please and in advance, pardon my requests: it will not be to point out
things that lilypond can not do, but just things I need to be able to do, hoping
that these requests will help others (or that people on the list can help me of
course). As a lilypond beginner, I obviously probably will ask stupid
question(s) to ...

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   ly2dvi (GNU LilyPond) 1.5.13

So, here is a couple of little problems I encountered, very small example to
start with

    1. the following compiles ok

        \score {
          \notes <
            \context Staff = Cl {
              \property Staff.instrument = "Cl Sib"
              \time 8/4 
              \clef violin
              {r2. r2.}
            \context Staff = staffB {
              \time 8/4
              \clef bass
              \relative a,
              {a2. <a2. b2. c2. a2is> <a2. b2. c2. a2is>}
            \paper {}

        but does not produce the expected display results: even the "r2." and
        the "a2." does not produce the result expected, (the dot is in the note,
        and not after the note)

        or is it my xdvi? (it seems i have xdvik, should i get another xdvi?

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    2. the following does not compiles

        \score {
          \notes <
            \context Staff = Cl {
              \property Staff.instrument = "Cl Sib"
              \time 8/4 
              \clef violin
              {r2. r2.}
            \context Staff = staffB {
              \time 8/4
              \clef bass
              \relative a,
             {a2. <a2. b2. c2. a2is.> <a2. b2. c2. a2is.>}
% a2is. instead of a2is
            \paper {}

clusters in general are not 'displayed' properly, note spacing problems. a strange
thing is that if I do not have

              {a2. <a2. b2. c2. a2is.> ...}
              {<a2. b2. c2. a2is.> ...}

              then the cluster is really badly 'computed'

is there a special feature for clusters?

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    3. i wanted to call staff using numbers to, but is seems not possible:

        \score {
          \notes <
            \context Staff = Cl1 {
            \context Staff = Cl2 {

        does not compile: is it the expected behavior? can't we use numbers
        in staff names

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    4. i would like to define a piano always with 3 staff, with clef as is:

               \bass -15 

       how can i define a clef "twice octava bassa" ? (the \bass clef with the number
       15 sligthly below and right)

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thanks a lot for help and understanding

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