I try to enter piece of music with next rythm

6/8 c8 | c c c c c c | c c c c c c | c c c c c :| c | c c c c c c | 

When I try to do it in such way:

\score { 
  \context Voice
  \relative c {
  \time 6/8

  \partial 8 c8 |
  c c c c c c |
  c c c c c c |
  \property Score. measureLength = #(make-moment 5 8) c c c c c |
  \partial 8 c |
  \property Score. measureLength = #(make-moment 6 8) c c c c c c |
  \paper { }  

I got a couple of messages like "bar check failed", and output looks
When I remove second "\partial 8 c" string, everything is OK.

Can somebody give me a key, please?

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