> Hi,
> I installed lilypond on my debian system via apt. The postscript file that 
> is generated can not find the font feta. Doesn't that come with lilypond? 
> Or did I do something else wrong?
> When I generate tex or dvi, the displayed score is very different from 
> what I entered in rosegarden. Rest signes are gone, duration is very very 
> wrong and such things.
> Please tell me what I should do to get the right font.

Please, always specify which version of Lilypond you use
when you send a question to this list. 
Since the Debian package of Lilypond is the packaging that
does the most ambitious work of getting the font in the
right place, I'm surprised about your problem.

Try the following:

- Run the command "mktexlsr" as root.

- If it still doesn't work, verify that the package has
  created a link from usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/public/lilypond
  to /usr/share/lilypond/mf and that the directory contains
  files such as feta20.mf.
  The path to this file should also be returned by the command
  "kpsewhich feta20.mf".


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