on Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 08:00:43PM +0100%, Mats Bengtsson said:

    mats> \usepackage[hmargin=2cm]{geometry}

that gives me this:

lilypond-book (GNU LilyPond) 1.4.9
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond-book", line 1320, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond-book", line 1236, in do_file
    chunks = process_lilypond_blocks(my_outname, chunks)
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond-book", line 929, in process_lilypond_blocks
    c = schedule_lilypond_block (c)
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond-book", line 861, in schedule_lilypond_block
    file_body = compose_full_body (body, opts)
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond-book", line 544, in compose_full_body
    l = __main__.paperguru.get_linewidth()
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond-book", line 217, in get_linewidth
    w = self._calc_linewidth()
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond-book", line 271, in _calc_linewidth
    w = self.get_paperwidth() \
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -

| jeff covey [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/ 410-869-8088 |
|I have a resume if you need more imformation about me that I can send if    |
|needed. I am also a musican and available to perform at events and benifits |
|for ascii or other important events.In Amsterdam working hard.              |
|THANK YOU DEAN                    -- freshmeat.net contributor              |

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