On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 09:01:00AM -0500, Tim Nowaczyk wrote:
> On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 02:54:04PM +0900, Kim chulmin wrote:
> >
> >   You're not going to believe what's happening to me now.
> >   someone is doing an experiment on me.
> >   I mean an experiment on a living creature. it's kind of hard to
> >   explain this situation. Base: liquid thing interacting with human body
> >   in itself.
> >   1. they raise some koreans(about 20) and put liquid thing into their
> >   body.
> >   2. Using satellite, they located korean's liquid thing around me and
> >   also put liquid thing
>   Just wear a tin-foil hat.  That will usually keep away any location
> and mind-control devices.
>   And I thought all the kooks were in America! :)
>   Tim Nowaczyk
> -- 
>   <>< Truth

It was the 

X-Raving-Loony: Yes

header in the mail that gave hime away
       Source Mage Linux Grimore Guru
           Source Mage GNU/Linux
   Linux so advanced it may as well be magic

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