On Tue, 28 May 2002, Rune Zedeler wrote:

> Btw, I think that you should use the drum-notation-scheme demonstrated
> in input/test/drums.ly

... I'm not a drummer: Does every drum instrument has a well-known
    pitch if a 5 line system is used ? Or is the pitch derived from
    General MIDI standard ?

My problem is: The NoteEdit user can place the drum notes at any
pitch he/she wants. Therefore I need a means to place - say a note with
triangle head - at any pitch and ...
> simultainously. You need to put the different notehead styles in
> different threads:
> bcc = {
>    \context Thread = xcircle
>    \property Thread.NoteHead \set #'style = #'xcircle
> }

... I tried this, but it doesn't work :-(    :

  bcr = {
  \context Thread = xcircle
  \property Voice.NoteHead \set #'style = #'cross
  bcc = {
  \context Thread = xcircle
  \property Voice.NoteHead \set #'style = #'xcircle
  btr = {
  \context Thread = xtriangle
  \property Voice.NoteHead \set #'style = #'triangle

  drumA = \notes\relative c {
        \clef percussion

        < \bcc b8 \btr as' > as' < \bcr d, \bcr fes \btr as >
        < \bcr d \bcr fes \btr as > r8 \bar "|."
  \score {
                \context Staff="drum2" \drumA


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