try setting 

\property Score.skipBars = ##t 

in your score. that influences multmeasure rests -- i don't know if it
will compress percent-repeats but it's worth a try.

for sequential numbers, i think you will have to hard code them - i
don't know if lilypond supports them or not.


On Mon, 2002-06-24 at 22:05, Antonio PALAMA' wrote:
> I would like to reduce the default width of the "percent repeat" bars.
> I tried to figure out which is the Property that controls this parameter
> but did not find it.
> I also miss a feature which was available with 1.2.17 but has disappeared
> with 1.4.X i.e. to have multiple percent repeat bars to be printed as
> a single bar with a number over it. Will this be restored someday?
> Another feature which I deem useful is having "percent repeat"
> bars or multiple bar rests printed in full but with sequential numbers
> over the bars.
> Thank you for any help you can provide.
> Best regards,
> Antonio Palama'
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