Please, always specify which Lilypond version you use.
Also, as soon as you get a short cryptic error message
like this, rerun ly2dvi with the flag '-V' to see more 
details on what actually failed. 

In this case it's actually not LaTeX but Lilypond that 
breaks as can be seen from the line
warning: lilypond: command exited with value 139 (ignored)
in your output.

I tried your file with version 1.5.63 without any problem, 
but 1.4.14 broke with a segmentation fault, so it may be
that you hit one of the intricate memory handling bugs that
were fixed in version 1.5.63. I recommend to upgrade.


> Hello--
> I've been working on a full orchestral score for a while and have begun 
> running into a perplexing problem. To save compiling time I usually use 
> the  
>  \property Score.skipTypesetting = ##t
> feature, just typesetting the part I'm currently working on and every 
> once in a great while commenting the "skip typesetting" instruction so 
> that I can see how the whole thing looks so far. Until yesterday I never 
> had a problem with this, but after the score reached a certain length I 
> started to get this error message at the very end of the compile:
> paper output to `rococo-score.tex'...
> writing header field `dedication' to `rococo-score.dedication'...
> writing header field `title' to `rococo-score.title'...
> writing header field `subtitle' to `rococo-score.subtitle'...
> writing header field `subsubtitle' to `rococo-score.subsubtitle'...
> writing header field `composer' to `rococo-score.composer'...
> writing header field `opus' to `rococo-score.opus'...
> warning: lilypond: command exited with value 139 (ignored)
> Analyzing rococo-score.tex...
> Running LaTeX...
> error: latex: command exited with value 256
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 928, in ?
>     run_latex (files, outbase, extra_init)
>   File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 670, in run_latex
>     quiet_system (cmd, 'LaTeX')
>   File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 442, in quiet_system
>     return system (cmd)
>   File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 247, in system
>     error (msg)
>   File "/usr/bin/ly2dvi", line 144, in error
>     raise _ ("Exiting ... ")
> Exiting ...
> LATEX output to `rococo-score.latex'...
> MIDI output to `rococo-score.midi'...
> TEX output to `rococo-score.tex'...
> I can skip all but the very end or very beginning of the score and get a 
> good compile with normal postscript output, but doing the entire thing 
> makes latex choke. Any help gratefully appreciated. I'm attaching the 
> two files zipped together, in case that helps.
> Carter
> -- 
> +---------------------------------+
> |Carter Brey ([EMAIL PROTECTED])|
> +---------------------------------+
> Homepage:
>       A pushy romeo asked a gorgeous elevator operator, "Don't all these
> stops and starts get you pretty worn out?"  "It isn't the stops and starts
> that get on my nerves, it's the jerks."

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