> If I compile the following code with Lilypond 1.5.x (currently I am
> using version 1.5.63, but this happened with older versions too):
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> smallNatural = #'(music ((font-relative-size . -1) "accidentals-0"))
> \score {
>     \context Staff \notes \relative c'' {
>       \key f \minor
>       c2^\prall^\smallNatural c2^\trill^\smallNatural
>     }
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> then the first natural sign goes *above* the prall (as one would
> expect), but the second one goes *below* the trill. Is this a bug, or
> does Lily *have to do* this for some strange typesetting convention?

If you look in scm/script.scm, you'll notice that \prall and \trill
have got different priority values, indicating that someone has 
done some thinking trying to get a nice default layout. I'm not sure
how much thought has gone into it, though. 
The problem here might be that your \smallNatural is treated as
a text script (default priority=200), whereas you want it 
treated differently than other textual indications.

An alternative for you is to explicitly specify the order
using the Scheme syntax for text markup. This gives full
control over the order.

#(define small-natural '((font-relative-size . -2)
         ((music "accidentals-0"))))
#(define trill '(music "scripts-trill"))

\score{\notes\relative c''{ 
  c^#`(lines ,small-natural ,trill)  
  c^#`(lines ,trill ,small-natural)

What I don't understand in this example is why the
vertical spacing gets so completely different (bug?).


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