On Sat, 10 Aug 2002 14:29:35 +0200 (CEST)
Atte Andre Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But since this is my first big attempt at something in lily I have some
> question:

Most of your questions can be answered here:

(Go to the devel section of the website, tutorial -> fine-tuning-a-piece)

> 1) I've put the decorations (fingerings, crescendo, dynamics, pedalings,
> etc) together with the music. Is that the smart thing to do? Would it be

Yes, that's how to do it.

> easier to have stuff like that in seperate systems? I've heard the term
> "hara-kiri" and as far as I understand it's used for putting stuff in a
> system, that's not being displayed in the end, or?

You don't want hara-kiri.  Hara-kiri is for big orchestral scores.  When
only some parts of the orchestra are playing (for example, a string-only
section), most publishers don't print all the empty bars for the winds in
the conductor's score (or else the score would probably be twice as big and
twice as heavy :).

> 2) There's a lot of clashes between almost everything. In general I think
> the slurs should be put further away from the music. Also the dynamics
> clashes with slurs (bar 19) and notes (bar 15) and sometimes (bar 15
> again) it would be better to attach the slur to the stems instead of the
> noteheads. How are these thing improved?

See the "fine tuning".  Ask again if you don't understand.  (after I finish
my honours thesis in philosophy, I'm going to be editing the tutorial
and manual, so knowing any confusing parts would be great.  :)
> 3) He (the "customer", not esp I) would like a more "spaced out" layout,
> both horizontally, but also more space between staffs (would also solve,
> or at least help to solve some clashes) and systems. And It would be nice
> to have (or be able to put) a bit more space between the title and the
> music. How is that accomplished?

It's in the manual.  Writing parts -> vertical spacing.
As for title and music, you could try adding a "\break" or two at the end
of the music.  I don't know it that'll work, though.
> 4) crescendo/diminuendo/dynamic markings should be possible to put either
> above and below systems + between staffs. How?

See "fine tuning".

> 5) About versions: tt seems 1.6 is out soon, right? I would like to stick

I believe so, but I'm curious about that too.  Of course, the real answer
is "it's be out when it's ready".  :)

> with one version during all this typing, without having to upgrade every
> week for the latest. Right now I obviously run 1.5.63, but would one of
> the first 1.6's be the way to go?

You shouldn't have to update much (if anything) between the various 1.5.x and
the first 1.6 versions, but I'd say that it would be better to wait for 1.6.
I'm waiting until 1.6 comes out before (web-)publishing my music.

It depends how urgent this is, and what you want to do with the output.  If you
just want some sheet music, it doesn't matter what you use -- if the PDF and PS
look good using 1.5.63, then who cares what 1.6 looks like?  But if you want to
distribute the .ly file (on a website, or give it to him so that he can twiddle
with things himself, etc) then I think that a 1.6 ly file will be a bit more
portable than a 1.5 version.

> I realize this is alot of questions at a time (and maybe I even forgot
> some...), but I would really appreciate some pointers. Some general
> thoughts about how far away I am from the "right way of thinking", but
> also some .ly-files, maybe in mutopia, that I can look at to figure out
> how I achieve what I need.

Read that "fine tuning" section -- it really bridges the gap between novice and
intermediate users.

- Graham Percival

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