On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Jonathan Rosanowski wrote:

> I can hack it changing "maj7" to "" to fix it but I don't really understand
> this code. Are there any lilypond programmers here that can explain it?

That wouldn't be me, but since nobody has given you any response yet,
here's my .02:

It seems nobody really uses the chord stuff beyond a pretty basic level.
So when somebody (you) comes around and dig a bit deeper, the flaws are
revealed. IFAIK the problem is not lily, but the chords defined in
.../scm/chord-name.scm. When I was a (ever more) total newbie (than I am
now) I tweaked the definitions to give jazz-chords (triangles and so on),
but lot of things ave happened since then.

Although I'm not a programmer, I also need the fonts from time to time, so
when I get the time, I will look at what is there and what's wrong. I also
think we need to have a discussion anyways about what "system"(s) we want
for chords, like is the extensions superscripted, do we need the number
"7" to be printed in a dominant 9'th chord, stuff like that.

So I don't know how desperate you are, but if you hang around I'd love to
help (as much/little as I can) when I land on my feet sometime before

Meanwhile; happy hacking :-)

peace, love & harmony

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