El jue, 19-09-2002 a las 06:41, Mats Bengtsson escribió:
> ... This is exactly why I proposed the 
> alternative solution to use lilypond-book instead, where
> you have full control over the layout.
>    /Mats

Thank you for your advice. I have started using lilypond-book.

On the attached .ly file, lilypond-book.and then dvips produce only the
fist staff (Staff = Celeb) and its lyrics, but not the second staff nor
its lyrics (Staff = Resp).

What should I do to get both staffs on the final .ps file?

Thanks again.

Oscar Valdez


\header {
        tagline =""
\paper { linewidth=-1 }
\score {
    \context Staff = Celeb {
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
        \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
            \relative c' {
                \clef bass
                g8 g a a a
                a g a a b
                a a a a a
                g a [a( )g] g           
                \bar "|."
        \context Lyrics
            \lyrics {
                En el nom bre del
                Pa dre, y del Hi-
                jo, y del Es- pi-
                ri- tu San to.
\score {
    \context Staff = Resp {
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
        \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
            \relative c' {
                \clef bass
                g8 [g( )a]
                \bar "|."
    \context Lyrics
        \lyrics {
            A men.

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