On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 02:23:52 Rune Zedeler wrote:
> David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
> > How do I get a flat on a rhythmic staff?
>       \translator {
>        \RhythmicStaffContext
>        \consists Accidental_engraver
>       }
> -Rune

Worked perfectly.  Thanks!  It's a precise way
of indicating bending, and by using lilypond
syntax to type in the notes, there are fewer
mistakes than typing in hole number and blow or
draw.  Not to mention midi.

See the filter's test on the 4 c's, which
is all there is so far.  The point is, how
would you like typing that out?  :-)

\time 4/4
c,4 c, cff,4 cff, 
c4 c cff4 cff
c'4 c' cff'4 cff'
c''4 c'' cff''4 cff''

\time 4/4
 c,4^"1"^" " c,^"1"^" " cff,4^"1"^" " cff,^"1"^" " 
 c4^"4"^" " c^"4"^" " cff4^"4"^" " cff^"4"^" "
 c'4^"7"^" " c'^"7"^" " cff'4^"7"^" " cff'^"7"^" "
 c''4^"0"^" " c''^"0"^" " cff''4^"0"^" " cff''^"0"^" "

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