what i do is use a third voice for the rests

soprano =
c4 s c c

alto =
e4 s c c

rests =
s4 r s s

\context Staff = women

something along those lines works for me.
and of course if there's a rest in only one voice you can just put that in the individual voice.


On Friday, Oct 25, 2002, at 10:35 US/Eastern, Klaus Zimmermann wrote:

I am just doing some SATB pieces and I wonder if there is a way
to share common rests between the two voices of one staff.

The default behaviour for something like the following is that there
are two rests generated, one typeset above the other.

I know of the possibility to use s instead of r in one of the voices,
but consider this more to be a workaround, then a solution because it
makes voice extracts a little uncomfortable.

thanks in advance for any comments and ideas

\score {
	\context Staff = women <
		\notes \context Voice = soprano {
		\notes \context Voice = alto {
---end sample-------

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