
I am trying to create a png output file with Lilypond.  I tried:
    lilypond -f PNG test.ly
and got the response from my Linux system:
GNU LilyPond 1.6.5
Now processing: `test.ly'
Interpreting music...[5]
Preprocessing elements...
Calculating column positions... [2]
paper output to `test.png'...Backtrace:
0* [find-dumper "png"]
1  (let ((d (assoc format output-alist))) (if (pair? d) (caddr d) ...))
2  [scm-error "Could not find dumper for format ~s" "png"]

Is Lilypond relying on some other program to do this output?

Well, I also tried, as in your example, to embed the commands in an html
file.  Similar to your code, I have:
<lilypond relative1 verbatim>
\key c \minor r8 c16 b c8 g as c16 b c8 d | g,4

This only produced a line beginning with "\key" and ending with "g,4"

Thanks for any help,

Donald Gudehus

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