I'm using version 1.6.6.

There seems to be very little help in the manual for lyrics (is this
only my opinion?). However, it does say under Durations that they
apply to lyric mode. But I cannot get them to work right.

I have a time signature of 4/4. So I reckon that to typeset one
syllable of the lyrics to match one crotchet, then a duration of 4 on
the first syllable should be correct. Instead, I have to specify 16

In addition, I cannot get long syllables at the end - although I
specify a duration of 1 for the final two syllables, the get set to a
crotchet each.

Finally I get some warning messages I don't understand.

First the source file:

\paper { papersize = "a4" }
\include "paper20.ly"
        title = "Abend wird es wieder"
        subtitle = "Words by Hoffmann von Fallersleben (1798-1874)"
        composer = "Johan Cristian Heinrich Fünck (1770-1846). Arranged by Carsten 

sopMusic = \notes  {    \property Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
        \time 4/4
        \key g \major
        \clef treble
        b'4 b' a' a' |
        g'2 d' |
        e'4 fis' g' b' |
        a'2. r4 |

        b' b' c'' b' |
        a'2 d'' |
        g'4 c'' b' a' |
        g'2. r4 |
        b'2( c''4 b' |
        a'2 )d'' |
        g'4( c'' b' a' |
        )g'2. r4 \bar "|."

altoMusic = \notes  {
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
        \property Staff.instrument = "S/A"
        \time 4/4
        \key g \major
        \clef treble
        a'4 g' g' fis' |
        d'( )c' b( c'8 )c' |
        e'4 d' d' g' |
        g'( fis'8 e' )fis'4 r |

        d'8( )g' g'( )f' e'4 d' |
        cis'2 c'8( e' d' )c' |
        b( )d' g'( )e' g'( )d' c'( )d' |
        b2. r4 |
        d' f' e' d' |
        c' e' fis' e' |
        d' e' g'8( )d' c'( )d' |
        b2. r4 \bar "|."
altoWords =      \lyrics \context Lyrics <
      \context LyricsVoice = "verse 1" {
         \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "1."
          A16 -- bend wird es __ wie -- der, __ \"{u}\ -- ber Wald und Feld __
          s\"{a}u -- selt Frie -- den nie -- der, __ und es rhut die Welt. 
          mh1 __  mh1
tenorMusic = \notes  { 
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "bassoon"
        \property Staff.instrument = "Baritones "
        \time 4/4
        \key g \major
        \clef bass
        d'4-\mf d' d' d'8( )c'  |
        b4( )a g( a8 )b |
        c'4 c' b a |
        d2. r4 |

        g g g g |
        g2 fis |
        g8( )fis e( )c d4 d |
        a,2. r4 |

        g,1-\p(\( |
        )g,2. \)c4 |
        b,( c d2 |
        )g2. r4 \bar "|."

\score { \notes
          \context StaffGroup <
              \property Score.automaticMelismata = ##t
          \context Lyrics = sopLyrs { s1 }
          \context Staff = women { s1 }
          \context Lyrics = altoLyrs { s1 }
          \context Lyrics = tenorLyrs { s1 }
          \context Staff = men {\clef bass s1 }
          \context Lyrics = bassLyrs { s1 }
          \context Staff = women \context Voice = VA { \voiceOne \sopMusic }
                \context Staff = women \context Voice = VB { \voiceTwo \altoMusic }
                \context Lyrics = altoLyrs { \altoWords}
          \context Staff = men \context Voice = VA { \voiceOne \tenorMusic }
  \paper {
    \translator {

        % a little smaller so lyrics can be closer to the staff. 
        minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 3)

and then the messages from lilypond:

cd /home/colin/
lilypond /home/colin/abend.ly
GNU LilyPond 1.6.6
Now processing: `/home/colin/abend.ly'
Interpreting music...[8][13]
Preprocessing elements... 
Calculating column positions... programming error: Unknown prefatory spacing.  
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found (Continuing; cross thumbs)
paper output to `abend.tex'...

LilyPond finished at Tue Nov 19 15:32:41

Any help gratefully received.
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire

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