Odd. I just posted a similar question last night. Let
me know if you find a way...

--- Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yet another confused newbie with lilypond-book
> margins.
> I have one file with purely music definitions.  I
> have another part that
> sets up the score, papersize, etc.  As usual, ly2dvi
> produces beautiful
> sheet music.  I'm extremely happy with the way it
> looks in ly2dvi.
> Unfortunately, for various reasons I want to use
> lilypond-book now
> (because I want to stick a whole bunch of pieces
> together, along with a
> bit of text).
> Is there any easy way to make lilypond-book produce
> output similar to
> ly2dvi?  Looking through the maillist, it appears
> that most people
> manually set their margins, manipulate variables in
> LaTeX's geometry
> package, etc. If that's what's required, I could
> spend a few days and
> figure out how to do that (well, after my exams are
> over, I could do
> that).  But is that really required?  Isn't there an
> easier way to do
> it?
> When I comment out the papersize=letter and
> paper20.ly from the score
> setup.ly file and use the (to me) obvious tex file,
> I get really big
> margins that doubles the number of pages in the
> score.
> tex file:
> ----
> \documentclass[letter]{article}
> \begin{document}
> \lilypondfile[20pt]{sc-vla2.ly}
> \end{document}
> ----
> Attached is the entire file (vla2.ly: music
> definitions, sc-vla2.ly:
> paper and score setup).  Sorry for the length, but
> it illustrates how
> drastically the margins change the score length.
> Again, if I need to screw around with the geometry
> package, I'm willing
> to do that.  I'm just wondering if there's an easier
> way to make
> lilypond-book produce something as beautiful as
> ly2dvi produces.  :)
> - Graham

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream

> ATTACHMENT part 3 application/octet-stream
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