
I type my lily scores in GNU Emacs. Having done a 
`M-x describe-mode', I found the `C-c i' facility
(LilyPond-quick-note-insert) very interesting. Inspirated by
this feature, I wrote a lilypond-quick-insert-mode, derived from
lilypond-mode, which behaves a bit like LilyPond-quick-note-insert,
with some little differences:
- a midi sound is played when a note is inserted or modified (requires
ALSA, though)
- notes are entered first by giving their pitch, then they are eventually
modified by giving duration, alteration, dots, octave
etc, ie in the other way LilyPond-quick-note-insert works. Each key
stroke actually modify the buffer, output is not defered.
- as it is a mode, rather than a basic key-listening loop, other lilypond or
general key bindings also work.
- all the languages (dutsch, italian, german, ...) that I found in the
documentation are provided.
- choice is given between relative and absolute octaves (although I
don't know if this is really usefull).
and few other things.
you switch from regular lilypond-mode to lilypond-quick-insert-mode by
typing `C-c q' for instance, and then back to lilypond-mode by
pressing `q'.

Anyway, as it works for me, it might interest other emacs users. Here it is: 

best regards,

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