Version 2.1.0 of the LilyPond exporting
cost free musical score editor NoteEdit is available:

New features:

1.) First of all: THE INTERFACE IS TOTALLY CHANGED! I eliminated
    the middle mouse button (except X11-style copy-paste and 
    mouse wheel). This was requested by many users because of
    the wheel mouse. But note: This causes a new problem because
    now the left mouse button means insertion and selection.
    The central point now is: How to avoid insertion by mistake. 

    If you are an "old" NoteEdit user: Please read the "List of
    Changes" page:

    Otherwise: Frustration!

2.) Selection and modification of single notes
    (instead of the whole chord) possible

3.) N-Tuplets (N in {3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10})

4.) Arpeggio

5.) Debian YACC configuration problem resolved

Problems with N-Tuplet exportation

 - LilyPond: is best prepared for all kind of N-tuplets

 - MusiXTeX: is prepared for triplets. It uses the "uptrio"
   statement which produces a bracket with a small "3" in
   the middle. For N-tuplets it uses the "xtuplet"
   statement which produces the number without a bracket.
   If the N-tuplet is beamed it looks like an
   N-Tuplet. If not it looks like some notes with a number above.
   It is your resposibility to mark the N-tuplet for instance
   with a slur (or so ...)

 - PMX:  cannot deal with N-tuplets ending with a rest. Actually all
   N-tuplet members must be of the same length, besides some
   notes are as half as long as the others. PMX cannot deal with an
   N-tuplet who's real playtime cannot be expressed by one
   (eventually dotted) note.

 - MUP: cannot deal with an N-tuplet who's real playtime cannot
   be expressed by one (eventually dotted) note.


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