I'm a new Lilypond user coming from an ABC background, and I'm having problems with StaffGroup. It's my understanding that if I want the two staves in a duet to be connected (other than at the left edge), I need to enclose the two staves in a StaffGroup. I found an example or two which I tried emulating, but got error messages. So I tried pasting in a sample from the Lilypond user manual:

  < \context StaffGroup <
\context Staff = up { e'4 d'
          \bar "||"
          f' e' }
       \context Staff = down { \clef bass c4 g e g } >
\context Staff = pedal { \clef bass c2 c2 } >

I saved this in a file (test.ly) by itself and ran it through ly2dvi, and still got error messages:

Running LilyPond...
GNU LilyPond 1.6.6
Now processing: `test.ly'
/home/wilsonjb/test.ly:0:3: error: parse error, unexpected '<':
    \context StaffGroup <

/home/wilsonjb/test.ly:0:21: error: parse error, unexpected '{':
\context Staff = up {
                      e'4 d'

/home/wilsonjb/test.ly:3:30: error: parse error, unexpected '{':
       \context Staff = down {
                               \clef bass c4 g e g } >

/home/wilsonjb/test.ly:4:24: error: parse error, unexpected '{':
\context Staff = pedal {
                         \clef bass c2 c2 } >

/home/wilsonjb/test.ly:4:41: warning: Braces don't match: \context Staff = pedal { \clef bass c2 c2 } >

LilyPond failed on an input file (exit status 1).
Trying to salvage the rest.

warning: no LilyPond output found for `test'
Running LaTeX...

Thanks for any help!
Joyce Wilson

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