>>>>> "David" == David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    David> I'd like to move up to 1.7.x for the ability to put text
    David> markup over block rests.  How stable is it? 

My experience with the 1.5-1.6 transition is that 1.5 was "stable"
over most of it's life in the sense of not producing terrible output.
And on the rare occasions where a bug did cause terrible output, it
got fixed in a very timely manner.

Unfortunately, there were still input syntax changes being made quite
late in the 1.5 cycle, so that a lot of the work I did on 1.5.x can't
be compiled with either the 1.4 or the 1.6 "stable" versions.  This is
a major problem for the stuff that's on my website.  When people find
transcription errors, I can't just change the note and say "make" to
get a corrected version.

And also unfortunately, convert-ly isn't maintained in the sense that
all syntax changes, or even all minor syntax changes for which
conversion would be easy, are added as conversions to the appropriate

So my current advice is that for production work, you should only use
a version labeled "stable".  I believe that there's a commitment that
the input syntax doesn't change between releases of a stable version.

For something you expect to do this week and use next week and never
look at again, you should use any version that has features you like,
and it would be virtuous to use the development version to provide
feedback on it to the developers.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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