Simon Bailey wrote:
hi all,

trying the following example:

\include ""
\score {
 \notes \relative c' {
  \time 4/4
  \key b \major
  \clef bass
  \repeat volta 2 {
    r4 g16 a b8 ~ b4 ~ b16 f f8 | f' () c d () b b16 b g8 ~ g8. f16 |
    es'4 d c b16 b8. ~ | b2 r2
  \alternative {
    { R1 * 4 }
    { r4 g16 a b8 ~ b4 ~ b16 f f8 | f' () c d () b b16 b g8 ~ g8. f16 |
    es'4 d c b16 b8. ~ | b2 r2\fermata }

the second volta bracket is higher than the first (i'm using lily
1.6.6). is there anyway to get round this? i think that volta brackets
should be placed at the same height, but have no idea how to acheive
this ...

The standard trick is to increase the default padding for the volta brackets. Try something like \property Score.VoltaBracket \override #'padding = #2.0 and increase the value until the lower of the two brackets reaches the same level as the other one.

i also think that the standard behaviour should be to place the volta
brackets at the same height automagically... (i've never seen brackets
at different levels in printed music). does lily 1.7.x do this?

This should clearly be considered a bug but I've got the impression it's hard to solve it in a satisfactory way without major changes to the internal workings of Lilypond. At least we've had the problem for several years. I haven't used 1.7.x much but haven't seen anything in the change logs indicating that it has been solved.

and while i'm on that track, i've just started working on a large
project with lily 1.6.x -- can lily 1.7.x understand 1.6. syntax w/out

No, 1.7.x involves a few major syntax changes, but convert-ly can help you with most of them.


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