> > Sly gets the notes out of the .ly file.  All you would have to do
> > is copy the .sly score, delete lines 1-2 and 9-x, and run sly.
> > If you want both the long and short, you would have a different name
> > on the new includes. Not a problem.
> > DaveA

I think I'll have to take another look at Sly.  My previous concern was for
the final width of the source - 700 measures x 19 "voices" (including
lyrics, chords, etc) and a lot of fine tuning manipulation ... a typical
'line' for 1 measure would run about 450 characters wide

> Also, I'm not at all sure whether it is a feature of lilypond-book,
> LaTeX, or TeX.

Reasonably certain this is a lilypond-book feature ... recompiles only
those items it determines are changed.  (my guess only).

> Could this be the problem with the multiple scores?  If the first c

There seem to be two completely separate situations here that, under some
circumstances, may have similar appearances: one for the multiple
scale/transpose/"block of notes" issue and the other on using multiple
"score block" in a lilypond-book file.

For the first, in my oinion this should be in one score block anyway,
using Lilypond's native sequential '{}' & simultaneous '<>' capability.  So
effectively the scale issue could be handles with \notes {  { \scale } {
\transpose g \scale } , etc.  In many cases the {} could be left out unless
there were embedded simultaneous sequences (especially with ignored skips
at the end) that needed to be kept in step.  I have run into a number of
examples of this.

For the second, the following may be an answer - The piece I had actually
ended up with about 25 to 30 score blocks in the same lilypond-book .tex
source file, and that worked well.  The trick was to separate each with
\begin{lilypond}- \end{lilypond}and then each new score automatically
started a new line but not a new page.  The pain is needing to redo all the
pre- score block stuff (mainly includes in my case, so insignificant pain!)

A secondary benefit - each score block has it's own .ly/tex file & only the
.ly/tex file for the score block being edited was recompiled.  Therefore
the total time to recompile was roughly the same as ly2dvi for a specific
block, with all the advantages of lilypond-book.


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