Dear Sir, 

It is my great pleasure get intouch with you this great minute. My name is 
Mrs S. A William and I am married to Late Dr S. A 
William who died last three months. I saw your contact in one of my late 
husband's files. And contacting you is concerning 
the unfinished company project which my late husband was about 
establishing in your country before his death. 

However, my late husband has a partner in your country in person of Mr 
Smith H Aron who advise my husband to establsh 
a company in your country and after my late husband's trip to your country 
where he attended a business meeting with Mr 
Smith H Aron and other business partners of theirs, they decided to go to 
Seria leon to visit their Lawyer but unfortunately 
they were intercepted and mudered by the Rebels. And since the death of my 
husband, my inlaws has seized all my late 
husband's properties and Bank Accounts theirby making it difficult for me 
to feed my children or send them to school. 

So right now, there is this money (USD45.5 Million) deposited in one of 
the Security Companies by my late husband which 
he had wanted to transfer to your country for onward establishment of the 
Company which non of my inlaws know about it 
and I have also found out from the Security Company that my late husband 
only gave them a Standing Order to transfer 
the money to your country in three weeks time with intention of advising 
them of the Bank Account and Name Of 
Beneficiay where to paying the money in your country as soon as the 
agreemeent is signed with Mr Smith H Aron and 
others, but he was unable to conclude the arrangemen before his death. 

And since I have nothing to lay my hands on to feed my children and send 
them to school after the seizure of all my 
husband's fortune/properties by husband's family, I will like to present 
you to the Security Company as the beneficiary/the 
person whom my late husband had wanted to transfer the money to in your 
country so that the Security Company can 
transfered this money to your Account and then we share it together. 

Further to this as a matter of importance, please note that the Security 
Company has already advise me to send them the 
Name and Bank Account of the Beneficiary in your Country whom they will 
send the money to. 

PLEASE NOTE: that this transaction is absolutely risk free will last only 
three working days before conclusion and as soon 
as I hear from you, I shall like to discuss your compensation with you so 
as to enable you know what will be your share 
before as soon as the money is being transfered to you. 

As a matter of importance and security of our information, please reply me 
through this email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and also send me your private telephone and fax number. 

Thanks and God Bless as I am urgently awaiting to hearing from you. 

Mrs. S. A William 

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