Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I added "\\hebalef" and I got errors and no output.

This is the way to embed LaTeX commands into lyrics.  From
which stage did you get what errors?  Does the .tex file
contain the expected \hebalef commands?  Go like this:
create a .tex file (preferably for LaTeX, maybe eLaTeX or
whatever), which is *generally* english, but you can escape
to Hebrew, like for example (untested):

Wow, this is an English sentence with the Hebrew word
\foreignlanguage{hebrew}{gibberish} in it.

Once you get it work, you will know how to embed Hebrew into
the lyrics.

Ps: would you mind not changing the subject every two mail,
or adding the appropriate References: header?  You break up
the thread badly.

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