Hi Aaron,

> I have been using your script and it really works.


> I have one question, when I want to add -- or ___ between lyrics they
> don't show up in the final ps or pdf (see attached) notice to notes with
> no lyrics that is because in the song there are a few places with a few
> notes per one sylable.

This is strange, because this section of my code:

                         if ($line[$j] ne "--" && $line[$j] ne "__") {

means: If a syllable (meaning one "word" surrounded by spaces) is not "--" or 
"__", revert it. They should not be handled using the \\R{--} syntax, or?

Can you send me your mahyedid.out.29 and mahyedid.lyr.29? I'll see what I can 

> Also notice in the exampe that the lyrics in the first measure are not
> aligned right.

I see that the first syllable is too far to the right and there is no space 
between the first two syllables? This sounds more like a problem for a 
TeXnician. I'm only a plain LaTeX user, not an expert. I'm good at Perl and 

But we'll see when you send the .lyr and .out files.

All the best,


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