
I am a newbie to lilypond and I am trying to make a template for a small
jazz/pop combo with four horns, guitar, piano, bass, and drums.

I have a pretty good start on the score (I am sure lilypond gurus with
either laugh or cry when seeing my efforts), but I am having problems
with chord names. 

I would like to be able to print chord names above the rhythm guitar
part, and the piano part with slash notation indicating what rhythm to
play. I would also like to be able to print chords above solo sections
of any other instrument.

So far I have got chord names, but they are appearing below all the
staves instead of above the staff I put them on. Below is what I have
tried so far (the full listing follows):

gtr = \notes {

harmony = \chords {
        c2:min d2:maj

guitar = {
        \property Staff.instrument = #"Guitar"
        \clef treble
        \context Staff <
        \context ChordNames = chords \harmony
        \context Voice = melody \gtr

%%%%%%%%%%%% Small Combo Score %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\header {
        title = "Song"
        subtitle = "(tune)"
        composer = "Me"
        meter = "moderato"
        piece = "Swing"

global = \notes {
        \time 4/4
        \tempo 4 = 100
Concert = \notes \key c \major
Bb = \notes \key d \major
Eb = \notes \key a \major

% ############ Horns ############
% ------ Trumpet ------
trpt = \notes  {

trumpet = {
        \property Staff.instrument = #"Trumpet"
        \clef treble
        \context Staff <

% ------ Alto Saxophone ------
alto = \notes {

altosax = {
        \property Staff.instrument = #"Alto Sax"
        \clef treble
        \context Staff <

% ------ Baritone Saxophone ------
bari = \notes {

barisax = {
        \property Staff.instrument = #"Bari Sax"
        \clef treble
        \context Staff <
% ------ Trombone ------
tbone = \notes {

trombone = {
        \property Staff.instrument = #"Trombone"
        \clef bass
        \context Staff <
% ############ Rhythm Section #############
% ------ Guitar ------
gtr = \notes {

harmony = \chords {
        c2:min d2:maj

guitar = {
        \property Staff.instrument = #"Guitar"
        \clef treble
        \context Staff <
        \context ChordNames = chords \harmony
        \context Voice = melody \gtr

%% ------ Piano ------
rhUpper = \notes {

rhLower = \notes {

PianoRH = {
        \clef treble
        \property Staff.instrument = #"Piano"
        \property Staff.instr = #"Piano"
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \context Staff <
        \context Voice = one \rhUpper
        \context Voice = two \rhLower

lhUpper = \notes {

lhLower = \notes {

PianoLH = {
        \clef bass
        \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \context Staff <
        \context Voice = one \lhUpper
        \context Voice = two \lhLower

% ------ Bass Guitar ------
bass = \notes {

bass = {
        \property Staff.instrument = #"Bass"
        \clef bass
        \context Staff <

% ------ Drums ------
\include "drumpitch-init.ly"
up = \notes {
        hh4 <hh4 sn> hh4 <hh4 sn>

down = {
        bd4 r4 bd4 r4

\score {
        \context StaffGroup = horns <
                \context Staff = trumpet \trumpet
                \context Staff = altosax \altosax

                \context Staff = barisax \barisax
                \context Staff = trombone \trombone
        \context StaffGroup = rhythm <
                \context Staff = guitar \guitar

                \context PianoStaff <
                \context Staff = upper \PianoRH
                \context Staff = lower \PianoLH
                \context Staff = bass \bass
                \apply #(drums->paper 'drums) \context Staff = drums <
                \clef percussion
                \context Voice = up { \voiceOne \up }
                \context Voice = down { \voiceTwo \down }
        \paper { }
        \midi { \tempo 4 = 75 }

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