> > I've changed this in 1.7 CVS, by introducing
> > alignBassFigureAccidentals. It defaults to off, which produces your
> > desired notation. Is this the official notation?
> I think so yes.  Certainly it's much better than the old rendering.  If
> an accidental is there without a number, it applies to the 3rd of the
> chord and the accidental should be centered.  To be pedantic, I also
> think that instead of:
> 7
> 5
> 3 6
> It should be:
> 7
> 5 6
> 3
> This applies for things like,b7
> 6
> 5 6
> as well, i.e. the 6 should be vertically centered in the gap left for
> figured bass (a bit up from where it is in the ASCII art).

People don't seem  to agree on the proper format of the figures. Can
you provide me with definite references?


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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