The ability to hear the notes as you type would change the whole nature
of creating lilyfiles. I think that if there was a way to do this not
specific to a specific text editor it would be even more valuable.

I am at present forced to use vim but as hebrew support improves I may
switch to emacs...

Even nicer would be the ability to scroll.
this would be nice with a sly like script that would let you enter
lilypond files all on one line, then to scroll and play, karoke style
would be fantastic for error correction.


On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 14:53, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
> 30 Jul 2003 18:11:36 -0400, Francois Pinard a dit : 
>  >> I am interested in whatever makes lilypond editing faster in Emacs.
>  >> [...] if you can provide something more robust, with more features,
>  >> or that makes me quicker for typesetting, I'll adopt it!
>  > Exactly the same here -- I'm not especially pushing for my own solutions.
>  > The only thing, maybe, is for the case I want to add something else;
>  > I am then more comfortable with Python than Lisp.
> I don't mind using Python instead of emacs lisp.
>  >  You also are the
>  > second person telling me good about EIEIO since yesterday (indirectly).
>  > EIEIO seems to be an add-on for Emacs for something built in Python.
> EIEIO provides a subset of CLOS (Common Lisp Object System, which is
> part of ANSI Common Lisp) for Emacs Lisp, so where object oriented
> programming is felt better by the developper, it can help. However, as
> emacs lisp in general when compared to Common Lisp, EIEIO is a bit
> frustrating. [off topic: However, it shows a property of lisp in
> general: the hability to add programming paradigms at need].
>  > Your message is also very timely.  I just arrived in town, where I have
>  > no MIDI equipment.  But I do have Timidity++, ALSA, and an audio card.
>  > A minute before receiving your email, I was peeking around to find how one
>  > could use Timidity as a server: and it seems you did it all already! :-)
> This is the ugliest part, but its merite is that it works :)
> It seems that the only way to communicate with an ALSA sequencer (ie,
> timidity here), is via ioctl() calls, which can not be done in Emacs
> Lisp -- or so it seems. So I use a little program written in C, that
> uses the C ALSA lib (which does the ioctl() calls), between Emacs and
> timidity. Writing a minimalist Python wrapper to the snd_seq ALSA
> module should be straightforward; then, using Pymacs, communication
> between Emacs and timidity/ALSA sequencer would be cleaner.
> There is an interface in ALSA for communicating with an ALSA sequencer
> via TCP queries, but it's not implemented yet. If that were, all this
> could be done in Emacs lisp, which can send TCP queries.
> Being able to hear the notes when one type them is really valuable, so
> imho this is an important feature of an emacs lilypond editing mode.
>  > -- 
>  > François Pinard
> nicolas sceaux
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