Version 2.3.0 of the cost free (GPLed) LilyPond exporting 
musical score editor NoteEdit is available:

New features:

        - score layout : braces (piano staffs), brackets (staff groups),
                         continued/discontinued bar rules.

             Note! NoteEdit does its best to export the score layout. But
             depending on your typesetting system the score layout possibly
             changes (see below)

        - Hungarian GUI translation (thanks to Peter Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
        - end bar
        - multi repeats 

             Note! The multi repeat influences the replay but the signature
             is only exported to MUP.  (Perhaps some gurus can sometimes
             explain to me how to export this into to different typesetting

        - UTF8 text coding in "*.not" files. This sould enable correct restore
           of Russian (Cyrillic), Greek, Hebrew, ... texts. 

             Note! It does not mean it exports Russian, (Cyrillic), Greek,
             Hebrew, ... texts to MusiXTeX, LilyPond, ABC music, ...! I'm afraid
             I'd need a native language speaker with some C++ programming
             knowledge to solve this.

             Note further! This implies a small version incompatibility if
             you wrote lyrices and titles containing non-ascii characters :-(
             Please correct them on NoteEDit score and store them again.

             Note futher! I'm not quite sure whether this disturbs the 
             KDE-2.x/Qt-2.x compatibility.

        - the # --> B / B --> # tool influences only the selected part (if any)
          this is especially usful after Midi import if the score
          has some B and some # parts.

        - bugs fixed, among them:
             + correct replay of dal segno al coda
             + correct MusiXTeX export of ending repeat close symbol
             + cleanup rests works (again)

Problems exporting score layout

MusiXTeX actually accepts either completely continued or completely
         discontinued bar rules. If you specify a mix of partial
         continued and partial discontinued bar rules NoteEdit
         produces some statements of the musixdbr.tex package
         by Rainer Dunker.  NoteEdit produces a warning and gives
         advice to install this package. Otherwise MusiXTeX will fail.

PMX      is a preprocessor to MusiXTeX and therefore the same problems apply.

ABC music cannot deal with nested braces in brackets. NoteEdit will warn you.

LilyPond  can deal with braces and brackets. It changes the staff
          rules according to some LilyPond inherent rules. I was
          told it is possible to break these rules.  But I assume
          they are there for good reasons. NoteEdit will warn you
          if a LilyPond rule will change the staff rule policy.

MUP       has no limitations.


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