I'm forwarding a followup that explains more about
the line ending problems.

Actually, what happened in Will's examples was that
LilyPond thought the full file only contained a comment,
since the file started with a comment and didn't contain
any LineFeed. Lilypond thinks that everything between the
'%' and the next LineFeed is a comment.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Mac problems Was: dvips Problem, Round III
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 12:02:17 +0200
From: Terje Tjervaag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry, having troubles with my mail host so I cannot send to the list.
I am on OS X, using Lilypond 1.8.1 from Fink, and I think the reason
this has not been reported before is that the default line ending for
OS X is actually the unix style \n.  Apple's TextEdit (notepad) saves
plain text files with this line ending as default and so does Apple's
developer tools and another editor called SubEthaEdit that I'm using.


On Sep 10, 2003, at 10:27 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

(Copy to bug-lilypond since I think we have found a bug/limitation
if LilyPond here.)

Now we are getting somewhere. With your attached file, I can
certainly reproduce your problem. The problem seems to be that
that Mac text files use only Carriage Return (ASCII 13) for line
endings, whereas UNIX uses Line Feed (ASCII 10) and Windows uses
both. Lilypond can handle UNIX and Windows style line endings
but apparently not the Mac style.
I browsed through the documentation of BBEdit and as far as
I can see, it has an option to save the file with Unix or
Windows line breaks (click on Options in the Save window).

I am surprised that this problem hasn't been brought up by
other Mac users, it shouldn't be very difficult to change the
frontend of Lilypond to accept '\r' as line end.

Another problem was that the file ends with the following line:
45- 3vmtoperg
I have no idea where this string comes from but fortunately,
lilypond doesn't seem to care since it comes after the final
right brace of the score.

To conclude, just save the file with Unix or Windows style line
endings and hopefully everything should work fine.


Will Oram wrote:
Had character encoding been an issue, lilypond would have choked on my input long ago.
I use BBEdit Lite (http://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/index.shtml) to write code. It works in ASCII, mostly because it's meant more of a code editor than anything else.
I don't have any compression utility on my computer at the moment (forgot to copy it from old to new HD!), but I hope this file will transfer fine. If it doesn't I'll put more of an effort into finding something to compress it with.
On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 05:56 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Just a wild shoot; could it possibly be a problem with character
encoding? I don't really know anything about Mac so I don't know
what character encoding is used.

Could you please compress the file (using Zip or Gzip) and send
it as an attachment (to make sure that the mail program isn't
playing any extra tricks with the character encoding).
What text editor are you using to edit the files?


Will Oram wrote:

I swear on my mother's grave -- disregard the fact she's not dead -- that /Users/spamguy/test.ly is the file lily is reading. It's placed in the root directory for OSX. Thus, typing 'test.ly' should be sufficient for a filepath. (It has been since I started working with lily.)
Furthermore, the only other file named 'test.ly' is located in a remote corner of my hard drive, received as an attachment from this list a few days ago. That has a much lengthier filepath.
-- Will
On Monday, September 8, 2003, at 02:36 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:


Hrm, interesting. With garbage added to the file, there are still no

I suggest to triple-check that lily is really reading your file.

(I suspect it is reading a different test.ly file)


Han-Wen Nienhuys | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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