On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 19:27:34 +0200
Thorkil Wolvendans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I try to do the following in LilyPond 1.8.1:
>       \clef "treble^15"
> but this seems to be an unknown clef type.
> Is there someway to fake it?

You can certainly make a "15va" spanner.  Do you want an actual
clef (which I've never seen before), or just a "two octaves higher" section
in your music?

This code worked two years ago; it will probably need to be updated for recent
versions of Lilyppond.  It's quite ugly, but it should give you a hint about
how to do it.

\clef treble
\property Voice.TextSpanner \set #'type = #'dotted-line
\property Voice.TextSpanner \set #'edge-height = #'(0 . 1.5)
\property Voice.TextSpanner \set #'edge-text = #'("16va " . "")
\property Staff.centralCPosition = #-20
d'8 \spanrequest \start "text" ~ |
d8\fermata b'8 ~ b2\fermata \spanrequest \stop "text" |
\property Staff.centralCPosition = #-6

- Graham

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