> Check out this megaslur using the \translator command:
> http://www.foxchange.com/~spamguy/misc_pictures/slursegment.jpg
> What's the best way to fix this? Ideally I'd like to make the slur  
> bulge more and have the right end closer to the c4. I've looked through  
> the documentation at  
> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v1.8/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypond- 
> internals/Slur.html , but didn't get much out of it. control-points  
> looks important, but I have no way of knowing what to do with it.

It depends how you far you want to go. The best option would be an S
style slur, ie.


but that is not supported by Lilypond out of the box. (Your slur
really is too difficult for lily)


a) force a linebreak halfway the slur

b) Do it manually (See 1.9 CVS)

\version "1.9.8"
\header {

    texidoc = "In extreme cases, you can resort to setting slur
    control-points manually. This involves a lot of trial and error,

\score {\notes \new PianoStaff  <<
    \context Staff = up { \clef bass s1 * 6 } 
    \context Staff = down \relative c {
        \clef bass
        r4 r8
        \once\property Voice.Slur \set #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -8)
        \once\property Voice.Slur
        \set #'control-points =
        #'((0 . -4) (2 . 0) (60 . 0) (63 . 4))
                           c8( as' f c' as f c as' f
                           \translator Staff = up
                           \clef treble
                           c' as f' c as' f c' as
                           f' c as' f c'4)
\paper { raggedright = ##t }


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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