Did you look at the section on "An orchestral part" in the Tutorial?
There's no right or wrong here, in addition to the tutorial, you could
also get some hints by looking at files at


Bernard Meylan wrote:
After a time of practice, I wish now to enter a bigger orchestral piece. I don't no exactly the right following order; firts the parts and after the score? Or otherwise? And what is the best way to make a .ly file so "clean" and precisely possible?

I have no see any explanation of this subject on the web. Can somebody help my or give a right direction?

Many thanks.


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-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe =============================================

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