* Paul Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Pedro Kroger wrote:
> >Could you send your .ly file? 

> I tried the purge and even this fails the same way:

have you purged and "rm -f"ed the lilypond directories before
reinstalling it?
maybe a silly question, but have you changed the syntax to conform
with lily 2.0? It would be something like:

\score {
   \property Score.skipBars = ##t
   \context Staff = clarinet << { \notes R1*2^\markup{ Allegro } R1*2 } >>
   \paper { }
> I'm going to try Ferenc Wagner's woody packages.  Could they be 
> different from yours?

maybe, because your system is "mixed" I can't predict what is going

last but not least, what is exactaly the error message when you run
lilypond 2.0 over you file from the console (_not_ from emacs)?


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