Is there any progress on the space taken up by grace notes and extra barlines generated by their presence? Or am I doing something silly here?


Paul Scott
global = { \time 2/4 \skip 2 \bar "||" \skip 2*2 \bar "|." }

parti = \notes {
    \key c \major a2 \key f \major 
    \grace{ c'16( [ d' e' ] } f'8->) r r4 R2
partii = \notes { \key c \major f2 \key f \major c'8-> r r4 R2 }

\score { 
        \property Score.skipBars = ##t
        \context StaffGroup <<
            \context Staff = clarineti
            \context Voice = one { \parti }
            \context Staff = clarinetii
            \context Voice = one { \partii }
    \header { title = "Grace Note Test" }
    \paper { \translator { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } }

Attachment: gracetest.pdf
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