Hi Ralph,


Has anybody tried to do this and have you had much success?
If so, it would be cool to have a store of different styles for the web
site, to go with the templates.

I made a (kind of) preset for my piano compositions, I'm not entering anything else in Lily at the moment, but soon I'm going to make some presets for jazzquintet -sextet, stringquartet. I attached my piano preset file to give you some idea what mine looks like - I don't know if this is what you mean.
At this point it's still in 'developement-state': I'm constantly editing the preset to suit my needs, so any comment would be very welcome!

Hopefully been of any help,

\include "paper16.ly"
\paper  { papersize = "a4" }

\version "X.X.X"
     %date XX/XX/XX

\include "nederlands.ly"

\header {
  title = " "
  subtitle = " "
  subsubtitle = " "
  dedication = " "
  composer = "Thorkil Wolvendans"
  opus = "Opus X"
  copyright = "Copyright (c) 200X Thorkil Wolvendans"
  tagline = " "
  source =  "Urtext"
  enteredby = "Thorkil Wolvendans"
  maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

global = \notes {

dynamics = \notes {

%{ 'techdir' should be used for technical directions like:
   anticcipando, with amazement, etc. %}
techdir = \notes {

%{ 'temp' should be used for tempo-markings %}
temp = \notes {
trebleBoth = \notes {

trebleOne = \notes\relative c'' {

trebleTwo = \notes\relative c'' { 

lower = \notes\relative c {

\score {
  \context PianoStaff <
    \context Staff=upper <
    \property PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano   "
          \context Voice = both \trebleBoth
               \context Voice = one  \trebleOne
               \context Voice = two \trebleTwo
    \context Dynamics=dynamics \dynamics
    \context Staff=lower <
            \clef bass
  \paper {
    \translator {
      \type "Engraver_group_engraver"
      \name Dynamics
      \consists "Output_property_engraver"
      minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-1 . 1)
      pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*")
      pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'("una corda" "" "tre corde")
      \consists "Piano_pedal_engraver"
      \consists "Script_engraver"
      \consists "Dynamic_engraver"
      \consists "Text_engraver"

      TextScript \override #'font-relative-size = #1
      TextScript \override #'font-shape = #'italic
      DynamicText \override #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.0)
      Hairpin \override #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.0)

      \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"

      \consistsend "Axis_group_engraver"
    \translator {
      \accepts Dynamics
      VerticalAlignment \override #'forced-distance = #6
  \midi {
   \tempo 4 = 132
     \translator {
       \type "Performer_group_performer"
       \name Dynamics
       \consists "Piano_pedal_performer"
       \consists "Span_dynamic_performer"
       \consists "Dynamic_performer"
     \translator {
       \accepts Dynamics
     \translator {
          autoBeamSettings \override #'(end * * * *) = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
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