Unfortunately, LilyPond itself doesn't realize what is should do with
the line width if you have set orientation="landscape", so you have to
do it manually:

\include "paper16.ly"
  orientation = "landscape"
  linewidth=27.0 \cm

(Note that you have to set linewidth after you have included paperNN.ly,
otherwise it will be reset to the default for the paper size.)

The resulting PDF file should display in the correct orientation but
if you view the PS file with gv or GSView, it may cut of the lines
unless you set it to display in Landscape (i.e. rotated 90°).


J. Daniel Ashton wrote:
Hello friends,

I'm going through the usual head-banging trying to get landscape output.

Off-topic: Could we modify ps2pdf invocation or something to die more
gracefully with Adobe Acrobat Reader has the PDF file open?

I set orientation = "landscape" in the paper{} block.  I get landscape
output, but rotated 180 degrees.  OK, Ctrl-Shift-Minus tells Acrobat to
rotate the pages, but I'm going to feel foolish e-mailing upside-down
music to people.

I seem to get no results with linewidth.  The lines are always the
portrait width, I think.

I'm attaching the .ly and .pdf files for your perusal.  Perhaps this
will all be clearer by the light of day.

Thanks in advance,


PS I switch from addLyrics to lyric timing by hand, and I'm getting
better results, but some words are still appearing to start after the
note.  Suggestions on this also hungrily solicited.


\include "english.ly"
\paper { papersize = "letter" }
\include "paper16.ly"

\header {
  % dedication = "dedication"
    title = "No 8. Khvalitye imya Ghospodnye"
  % subsubtitle = "No 8. Khvalitye imya Ghospodnye"
    subtitle = "Praise the Name of the Lord"
  % subsubtitle = "Subsubtitle"
    composer = "Sergei Rachmaninoff"
  % tagline = ""
  % opus = "Opus 37"
  % piece = "No. 8"
    instrument = "Ladies - Melody"
  % arranger = "Arranger"
  % poet = "Poet"
  % texttranslator = "Translator"
  % copyright = "public domain"
  % source =  "urtext "
  % enteredby = "your name here"
  % maintainerEmail = "your email here"
  % texidoc = "The standard header that ought to be above a file."

\score {
<< \context Voice = "v"
\notes {
\key af \major
% \addlyrics
\relative c'' {
\property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
\property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'()
R1 r2 r4 r8 bf8 | c4 c c c8 bf | \time 6/4 c4( bf af8) af([ bf c] bf2) | \time 4/4 c4 df c2( | bf8[ c]) c([ bf]) af4. \bar "empty" \break
bf8 | c4 c8 c c2 | \time 6/4 c8( bf4 af8) af4( bf8 c) bf2 | \time 4/4 c4 df c2( | bf8[ c]) c([ bf]) af2 ~ | af1 ~ af4 r4 % \bar "empty" \break
ef ef | ef2 ef | ef1 ~ | ef1 | ef4 ef f f | ef1( ~ | ef4 f g2) |
c4 df c2( | bf8[ c)] c[( bf]) af2 ~ | \time 6/4 af2. r4 r \bar "empty" \break
bf8 bf | \time 4/4 c8[ c] c[ c] c[ c] c[ bf] | c4( bf af8) af[( bf c]) | bf2 ~ bf8 r8 af af | bf4 bf8 bf bf[ bf] c[ c] | bf4 % \bar "empty" \break
bf16( c df8 ~ df[) df] df16( c bf8) | df4 c8 c bf2 | c4 df c2( | \time 6/4 bf8[ c]) c( bf) af2 ~ a8 r8 % \bar "empty" \break
bf8 bf | \time 4/4 c8[ c] c[ c] c4 c8[ bf] | c4( bf af8) af[( bf c]) | bf2 r4 af8 af | bf4 bf8 bf bf[ bf] c[ c] | bf4 % \bar "empty" \break
bf16( c df8 ~ df[) df] df16( c bf8) | df4 c8 c bf2 | c4 df c2( | bf8[ c]) c[( bf]) af2 ~ | a1 ~ | a4 r4 % \bar "empty" \break
ef ef | ef2 ef8[( f]) ef r8 |
c'4 df c2( | bf8[ c]) c[( bf]) af2 ~ | << af1\fermata { s8 s8 } >> % \bar "|."

} }
\context Lyrics << \context LyricsVoice = "v-1" \lyrics { % \property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'ignore-length-mismatch = ##t
\property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'alignment = #0
% \property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'begin-alignment = #4
" "1 " "1*7/8 Khva8 -- li4 -- tye im -- ya8 Ghos -- pod1*5/8 -- "nye. "1*6/8 __ " "8 Al4 -- li -- lu2. -- i4 -- ya.4. Khva8 -- li4 -- tye,8 ra -- bi,2 Ghos -- po -- da. Al4 -- li -- lu2. -- i4 -- "ya, "1*6/4 __ " "2
al4 -- li -- lu2 -- i -- "ya, "1*7/4 __ " "4
al4 -- li -- lu -- i -- "ya. "1*7/4 __ " "4
Al4 -- li -- lu2. -- i4 -- "ya. "1*4/4 __ " "2.
Is8 -- po -- vye -- day -- tye -- sia Gohs -- po -- dye -- vi, ya1*5/8 -- ko4. __ "blag. "2 __ " "4
Al8 -- li -- lu4 -- i8 -- ya, al -- li -- lu -- i -- ya.4
Ya4. -- ko8 v_vyek4 __ mi -- lost8 Ye -- go.2
Al4 -- li -- lu2. -- i4 -- "ya. "2 __ " "4
Is8 -- po -- vye -- day -- tye -- sia Bo4 -- gu8 nye -- byes1*5/8 -- no4. -- mu.2 " "4
Al8 -- li -- lu4 -- i8 -- ya, al -- li -- lu -- i -- ya.4
Ya4. -- ko8 v_vyek4 __ mi -- lost8 Ye -- go.2
Al4 -- li -- lu2. -- i4 -- "ya, "1. __ " "2
al4 -- li -- lu2 -- i4 -- ya,8 " "8
al4 -- li -- lu2. -- i4 -- "ya. "1*5/4 __ " "4
>> >>
\paper{ orientation = "landscape" }


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-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe =============================================

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