Hi Mats,

  I hadn't seen that example until just now :-)  (getting back to this after 
being out of town for a bit).  Unfortunately, it didn't seem to make much 
difference (perhaps I put it in the wrong place).

  What _did_ make a difference, oddly enough, was defining each voice as a 
"Thread" context rather than a "Voice" context.  Now there are no more 
multiple rests and notes and dynamics still combine nicely.  That plus 
splitting out the articulation seems to give me what I need.

  The code is pasted in below in case anyone is interested.

  -- Niki


\include "english.ly"

papersize = "letter"
\include "paper20.ly"

SaxOneConcertPitch =
  \context Thread
  \relative c'
   \key c \major
   \time 4/4
   \partial 2..

    r8 r4 r2 |               % rest in pickups
    r2 g'4.\mp f8 | r1 |   % Dm7
    r2 g4. f8 | r1 |

SaxTwoConcertPitch =
  \context Thread
  \relative c'
   \key c \major
   \time 4/4
   \partial 2..

    r8 r4 r2 |               % rest in pickups
    r2 e4.\mp d8 | r1 |   % Dm7
    r2 e4. d8 | r1 |

SaxThreeConcertPitch =
  \context Thread
  \relative c'
   \key c \major
   \time 4/4
   \partial 2..

    r8 r4 r2 |               % rest in pickups
    r4 r8 a8 a4.\mp g8 | r1 |   % Dm7
    r2 a4. g8 | r1 |

SaxArticulation =
  \context Thread
   \time 4/4
   \partial 2..

   s8 s4 s2 |
   s2 s4. s8-. | s1 |
   s2 s4. s8-. | s1 |

\score {
  \new Staff {
   \clef treble

On Monday 06 October 2003 11:50 am, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Have you seen
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v1.8/input/test/out-www/collated-files.html#maximum
>     Mats
> Niki Pantelias wrote:
> >   Hi Mats,
> >
> >   Thanks for the suggestions.  Using \new or naming the voice contexts
> > seems to help in some ways (no more collisions between notes and rests)
> > but makes matters worse in others (e.g., prints three rests instead of
> > one where all voices rest).  Defining dymamics and articulations
> > separately from the notes seems like a promising approach, though, so
> > I'll experiment with that some.
> >
> >   -- Niki
> >
> > On Monday 06 October 2003 07:05 am, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> >>Niki Pantelias wrote:
> >>>  Hi Graham (everyone),
> >>>
> >>>  Thanks for the reply.  I have experimented a bit with \partcombine,
> >>> but I believe it is limited to only two voices; I need to put three or
> >>> four voices on a single staff.  Also, I'd like to have the stems
> >>> "shared" across noteheads not set in opposite directions as
> >>> \partcombine does.
> >>>
> >>> Just using simultaneous music, as I've been doing so far, combines
> >>>noteheads and dynamic markings exactly as I'd like, but doesn't seem to
> >>>work so well for articulation or solo sections (where it sets notes and
> >>>rests on top of each other).
> >>
> >>You shouldn't get any collisions between notes and rests, did you
> >>remember to make a new context for each of the voices (assigning
> >>separate names for each context or using < {...} \\ {...}> or
> >>using the \new function (which is new in version 2.0)).
> >>
> >>For dynamic markings, it may be more convenient to define them
> >>separately from the music, so you can choose when to include them:
> >>dynamicsA = \notes{ s1 \f \skip 1*10 s1 \pp ...}
> >>
> >>>  Does anyone know if this is supposed to work, or if there is a
> >>>workaround? Or a way to make \partcombine work with more than two
> >>> voices?
> >>
> >>You can always do it with some extra manual work, but I can't point to
> >>any automatic solution at the moment. See also
> >>http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-lilypond/2003-09/msg00038.html
> >>
> >>    Mats

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