On Friday 24 October 2003 03:51 pm, Rune Zedeler wrote:
> David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
> > I guess I didn't understand your proposal then, or you changed it
> > and I missed it.  Sorry.  I'm happy to withdraw my characterization
> > of it having the disadvantages of both, etc..  To quote:
> >
> > "So »c d e d c« and »c d' e' d, c,« would mean the same thing."
> I don't understand what you mean.
> It is true that in "relativetwo" c d e d c and c d' e' d, c, mean the
> same thing (namely the same as c d e d c in the old relative mode).

I didn't get it.  Sorry.  I'm doing something else.

To reduce the typing for absolute pitch, these alternatives
could be allowed:

c'4 or c1'4
c''4 or c2'4
c'''4 or c3'4
c,4 or c1,4
c,,4 or c2,4
c,,,4 or c3,4
c,,,,4 or c4,4

Of course it would seem kind of stupid to use it for most
voices, but for a part with a wide range and a lot of
large intervals it would actually be more readable
as well as quicker to type.  daveA

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