Hello, I'm very new to lilypond, and find it to be very impressive.

I am confused about an interaction (or lack thereof) between \relative
blocks and \chords.  I'm noticing that the octave for \chords{...}
seems to ignore the \relative octave.

Example (Lilypond version 2.0.0)

\score { \notes { \new Staff {
  \relative c'' {
    \chords {c} <c e g> \chords {c} <c e g> <c e g>


  all of the \chords{c} are rooted off middle C, while the expanded
  chords (<c e g>) are all an octave higher.

  no difference between any of the chords in either notation.

Question is, should it behave like this?  The documentation had me
believe that these two notations differed only in syntax, but that
doesn't seem to be the case.  To workaround this, I'm writing out all
the chords with the <c e g> style, which is working but makes the
lines a lot longer.

How can I get a \chords block to "inherit" the relative octave from
the outer scope?  Or are there reasons why I wouldn't really want this
behavior and should appreciate what I'm getting?



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