With release 0.7.2 now out, denemo has become an editor for LilyPond. The idea is to allow you to edit arbitrary LilyPond files graphically, that is, with a live display of the edited notes in the context of the music around it. Programs like Noteedit let you generate LilyPond, but you cannot use them with a general LilyPond file - e.g. a file with stuff that you have added by hand to refine the output. So when you come to make changes to your score later on you can't read it back in to Noteedit or whatever you started with - you have to work with the LilyPond text.
The intention is to develop the denemo program so that it shows the notes, articulation, dynamics and so on, with instant access to the LilyPond text for arbitrary textual edits. There is no special attempt to reproduce the spacings etc that make LilyPond's printed page appealing - there is no way the program will ever start interpreting embedded scheme for example!
This release is being made to gauge interest in the approach. It is capable of being used for real work, but there are major features that it does not support; importantly but fairly easy to fix
1) Only Dutch note names
2) No \relative editing
3) Lots of filling in the dots stuff in the parser still to do.
4) It uses rather old-fashioned LilyPond (1.6.x)
The relevant website for denemo can be found at http://denemo.sourceforge.net
Unfortunately, the examples directory has been omitted from the release (its in the CVS) but here is a small example which illustrates the sort of thing denemo can now read, allow you to edit and write back out in the same format as it read in.

Key =  \notes \key c \minor
TimeSig = \notes \time 3/4

ViolinI = \context Voice = VlnI \notes  { \Key \TimeSig c''4 d'' e'' }
ViolinII = \context Voice = VlnII \notes  { \Key  \TimeSig a''4 b'' c'' }

Violini = \context Staff = Vlns <

\score {
\paper {}
\score {
\context Staff \ViolinII
This example includes a second score block just put there for editing the ViolinII part, to illustrate the flexibility available.
If you think this work might be useful for you I would like to hear about it - there is also a mailing list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Richard Shann

Lilypond-user mailing list

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