Aaron wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just enter a trio which has a number of time changes. When I have
> rests in 5/4 or 6/4 measures, like  measures with whole rest or combos
> that equal a whole measure lilypond reads them as one large measure and
> make the dvi also that way:
> 6/4
> r1|
> r1 |
> r1 |
> r1 |
> r1 |
> becomes 6/4 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 |
> I can get it to work by filling the measures with half rests but it
> looks most strange.
> Am I just writing a whole rest wrong?? or is this a bug.
> I can't attach my file because of the size and I am debugging it for
> other errors still.
> Thanks
> Aaron

IIRC, you can use the upper case R instead of lower case r to tell
Lilypond to mark a 'whole bar' rest instead of a 'whole note' rest. 
Can't remember the timing values though.


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