First of all, let me say how much I love Lilypond. I downloaded it a couple of days ago and immediately fell in love. Every other notation program I've tried has made me rip my hair out and go back to pencil and paper.

I do have a couple of questions, though...

When I run "lilypond", the resulting PDFs are fine. But when I run lilypond-book, even with the minimum LaTeX file, e.g.:



the music in the resulting PDF file is bit-mapped instead of properly rendered on screen. See, e.g., and zoom in on a note-head.

If I print the PDF, the notes look fine, at least to the resolution of my ink-jet printer. And any text added in the LaTeX file is fine on-screen. It's just the lilypond elements that have the problem. Is there some specific way I need to configure LaTex, dvips, or ps2pdf? I'm running the Fink lilypond package on OS 10.2.8.

What's weird is that I could swear this wasn't happening yesterday, before a power outage. But that would be very strange, and unfortunately I overwrote the PDF I made yesterday.

I'll ask my lilypond language questions in a separate e-mail.

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