I want to have a tie from the main section of a piece to the first note
of both alternative endings.  Here's a simple example of the lilypond

\include "paper16.ly"
\paper  {
  raggedright = ##t
  indent = 0.0\mm

mm = \notes 
          c4 d e f ~  % want this to tie to both endings

ra = \notes
          f2 d

rb = \notes
         f2 f,

\score {
   \notes {
     \relative c''  {
       \repeat volta 2 { \mm } 
       \alternative { { \ra } { \rb } }
     }  %relative
   }  %notes

}  % score

I have attached the output from this code to this email.  As you can
see,  there is only a tie to the f2 of the first alternative ending.
The f2 of the second alternative ending should also show a (truncated)
tie.   How can I make this happen?

Thanks in advance,

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Nick Busigin                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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