Hi guys,

well, i will try to bring some light..

I reccomend you take a look at the tutorial avaliable at:


It's very very short, and explains very well the syntax. But, here i
tell you the basics. The new syntax is:


The notation << .. >> can be used as a shorthand for
\simultaneous { .. }

Manual beaming:

c[ d]


c( d)

PHRASE SLURS: If you need two slurs at the same time (one for
articulation, one for phrasing), you can also make a phrasing slur
with \( and \).


        a8(\( ais b  c) cis2 b'2 a4 cis,  c\)


          \score {
            << \new Staff {
                \time 3/4
                \clef violin
                \relative c'' {
                  e2( d4 c2 b4 a8[ a]
                  b[ b] g[ g] a2.) }
              \new Staff {
                 \clef bass
                 c2 e4  g2.
                 f4 e d c2.
            \paper {}

Common accents can be added to a note using a dash (`-') and a single

          c-. c-- c-> c-^ c-+ c-_

Dynamic signs are made by adding the markings to the note:

 c\ff c\mf

Crescendi and decrescendi are started with the commands \< and \>. The
command \! finishes a crescendo on the note it is attached to: 

          c2\<  c2\!\ff\>  c2  c2\!

CHORDS: Chords can be made by surrounding pitches with < and >: 

          r4 <c e g>4 <c f a>8

You can combine beams and ties with chords. Beam and tie markings must
be placed outside the chord markers: 

          r4 <c e g>8[ <c f a>]~ <c f a>

          r4 <c e g>8\>( <c e g> <c e g>  <c f a>8\!)



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