Hello, Ralph:

It seems like a standard kind of thing to want to do.
Has anybody done this from Lilypond?

Not directly in Lilypond...

However, I did write a small Java class that does what you want from an original PDF source (controlling the open source iText Java-PDF classes), and I use it all the time. [In fact, on OS X, I've installed it as a PDF Service, which means I can print directly to a booklet from the Print dialog of any native OS X app!]

Currently it only creates a "simple" booklet -- i.e., double the original page size in opposite orientation, optimized for end page, 1 always on left, no margin adjustments) -- but I am planning to include more complex options (e.g., margin adjustment and gutter drift, quarto with source rotation, etc.) in a future version.

I'm happy to send you (or anyone) the code/class, if it would help.

Best regards,

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