Thu, 08 Jan 2004 10:45:51 +0100, Mats a dit : 

 > I'm not convinced! Since the curly braces are used for so many
 > different purposes, I think it's much harder to detect the '}'
 > that ends a certain set of property settings than to find the
 > \revert command. If you think the setting and reverting involves
 > too much typing, just declare some identifiers to use as short-cuts.

well, that's what I'm doing now...
but I find the
 \apply #(nest-props '((Stem thickness 4) (Slur transparent #t)))
   { .. }
solution very nice. I didn't realize that \apply could allow such
things, it's definitely something that I should dig.
BTW, my text editor is aware of brace matching.

 >> [...]
 > Again, I think you are biased since you are used to LISP. I'm afraid
 > this would scare most people and here we have the same problem with
 > the ending parenthesis used for many different purposes.

I was not exactly advocating the use of parens, but the hability to
add new syntactic abstractions, at a user level. As I noted, I was
just thinking (dreaming) loud. I do agree that, as it is now, lilypond
syntax is optimimum for note entry.

Again, \apply might satisfy most of my expectations. I'm very pleased
to discover it.


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