On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 10:14:24 -0500 (EST), Nick Busigin wrote:

> While we are on the topic of examples, my wife and I would be interested
> in contributing a complete lead sheet example.  However, we don't wish
> to place the composition in the public domain.  I think that rules
> Mutopia out.  Is there a license other than a public domain one that we
> could use and still allow free distribution of the lead sheet and the
> lily code? 

 Depends what rights you want to give your audience and what rights
you want to keep to yourself. I don't think you've made that clear yet:
you speak of allowing distribution, but there's obviously (well, obvious
to me) not much of a point in publishing an example source file and then
not allowing the users to tinker with it.
 But the point is: You get to decide. In fact, you get to write the license.
Here's a spur-of-the-moment example for the very restrictive end of the
spectrum (note that as a side effect this would make you alone responsible
for updating the file for new lilypond releases - nobody else can publish
their updated versions).

"(c) 2004, Nick Bugisin. You may redistribute this file in the exact form
you received it. You may modify this file for your own education but not
redistribute the modified versions. All other rights reserved."

At the other end of the spectrum, the MutopiaBSD license (to be found 
at the bottom of  http://sca.uwaterloo.ca/Mutopia/legal.html ) is very
close to the Public Domain, except that the copyright remains yours.

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